Thursday, September 9, 2010

FIA GT Championship Televised....On Bloomberg?

I doubt you find yourself watching Bloomberg financial news channel early on Saturday morning.  There's a good reason to do so, however: FIA GT racing.  Why it is on Bloomberg I have no idea, but thank you very much to Mayor Bloomy for letting America get a glimpse of some great racing.

I've officially become a GT hype man.  Forget NASCAR, forget Indy Car, and even Formula 1, for that matter.  GT is vastly more interesting and exciting.

NASCAR is stuck in the past, with cars that use pushrod motors and are seemingly shaped to maximize advertising space.  Formula 1 is stuck in the future, with high strung, delicate cars that shatter into millions of expensive pieces if the driver happens to drive aggressively. 

But GT finds the balance.  They race on great circuits (not ovals), and use actual road cars.  Nowhere else will you see a more varied group of supercars racing at the same time.  Everything's there:  Nissan GT-Rs, Porches, Ford GTs, Corvettes, Aston Martins, Maseratis, and even Lamborghinis.  And they don't have to use the same, homogenized motors like every other racing league.  You'll hear bellowing V-8s, wailing V-10s, and shrieking V-12s. 

And don't think these chaps drive like your grandparents.  They're tapping, rubbing, and smashing their way to the finish.  Cars run off and get covered in mud, bumpers get crushed and dented, and overtaking happens on seemingly every turn.

This is racing.  So dammit, start watching!

[Photo: Flickr]

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