Thursday, July 22, 2010

Small Car Renaissance - I Want a Focus

I have never liked small cars.  I'm Amercan after all.  Small cars were always best left to Europe, with their more compact cities, more compact roads, and more compact people (try fitting 5 linebackers in a Golf and you'll see where I'm going).

Now, however, with an economy in the toilet and gas prices hovering at about $2.80 a gallon, interest in small cars is higher than ever.  Sure, the Honda Civic and Toyota Corolla have always been there, but those cars don't exactly ignite the soul. 
Even GM has finally realized that an effort must be made.  The new Chevy Cruze looks like a relatively refined, efficient car.  It's not a fashion statement, but it will be a lot of car for a competitive price.

But it was Ford's new Focus that really blew me away.  Overnight, the Cruze, which hasn't even gone on sale, looked like an also-ran.  The Ford will lose out in interior room and practicality to the Chevy, but in terms of presence and fun-to-drive factor, the Focus will win in spades, mark my words.

I have never aspired to own a compact car.  It always came with the caveat "Well, I need some wheels."  But, for the first time ever, I actually want to own a compact car.  I'll take a hatchback, please.

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